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New iPad setup guide

How to setup your iPad to work best with the Teamgo kiosk app.

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated yesterday

Unboxing and setting up a new iPad (or old) with Teamgo is quick and easy. Following this guide will give your iPad kiosk users a better sign-in experience and will ensure the system performs best with the Teamgo app.

Unboxing the iPad

Your iPad package will include the tablet, charger and charging cable (typically).

  • Make sure your iPad is fully charged

  • When possible, keep the iPad plugged into the charger when using Teamgo

  • Use Apple manufactured or approved accessories only

  • If you have an iPad stand, don't mount it just yet as you will need access to the home button during the initial setup phase.

Welcome Setup

A new iPad will need to be setup. Follow the on screen prompts to configure your iPad, we suggest these setup options.

  • Choose your local language

  • Select your WiFi network (or ensure your SIM card is inserted and activated)

  • Connect to an existing Apple ID or create a new Apple ID so you can install updates and applications on your iPad. (Tip: customers who do not already have an Apple ID for their organisation use [email protected] for example. You can connect multiple iPads to the one Apple ID account).

  • Allow and enable Location Services

  • Select the correct date and time for your iPad's location

  • Disable/Skip Apple Pay

  • Disable/Skip Siri

  • Disable/Skip reporting diagnostics to Apple

Basically, keep the iPad running lean and simple. Disable as many moving parts as possible to the Teamgo app can deliver 100% performance, it's a 24/7 device and app and designed to be so.

System Updates

Before continuing, check to make sure that your iPad is running the latest version of the iOS operating system. To check this go to Settings app then General > Software Update. If a new version is available then proceed with the update. The iPad will usually restart after an iOS update, if not then restart it yourself.

Home Screen

Remove and delete all other applications from their iPad that will not be used. This reduces the amount of memory used on the iPad and also stops any apps running or updating in the background.ย 

To remove an app directly from your iPad, press the icon on the device for the particular app you wish to delete until all of the icons on the screen start to wiggle. Once they are wiggling you will also see the options to delete the app appear where you can then remove an app.

Our suggestion is to delete EVERYTHING possible it except for Find My app if you want that security measure for anti theft (track your iOS device remotely).

General Settings

Now start working through each of the settings below. Open the Settings app.

  1. Aeroplane Mode OFF

  2. Wi-Fi > On (you need this to operate Teamgo on your workplace network)

  3. Bluetooth > OFF unless you are connecting to the supported Brother QL-820NWB via the Bluetooth connection option

  4. Notifications > Turn all OFF

  5. Control Centre > Skip (or disable when using apps)

  6. Do Not Disturb > OFF

  7. Do Not Disturb > Disable all options

  8. General > Airdrop > Receiving OFF

  9. General > Handoff > Handoff OFF

  10. General > Multi-tasking & Dock > set all to OFF

  11. Accessibility > all settings can be left to their default

  12. General > Keyboards > set all except Auto-Capitalisation to OFF

  13. Display and Brightness > set brightness to maximum and disable auto-lock.

  14. Display and Brightness > "Light" mode only (disable Dark Mode)

The Teamgo app also has night or sleep mode built in that works with iOS. You can access this from the Teamgo iPad app's Settings tab after you login.

With night shift this might cause some issues with apps including logging them out. Keep an eye on this and if it becomes a problem disable it.

Install Teamgo App

Once your iPad is setup open the App Store app and follow the on screen prompts. Search the app store for "Teamgo" and locate the iPad app.

When the Teamgo App is installed open it and login following the prompts.ย 

The Teamgo iPad app requires location services to be enabled "Always" and access to the iPad camera. If the Teamgo app does not prompt you to allow these services please do the following.

  1. Go to Settings > Teamgo and set camera to ON

  2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Teamgo and set Teamgo location services to Always

For more information get in touch with your support team.

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