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Web Dashboard Overview

An overview of your visitor management system's web dashboard.

Geoff avatar
Written by Geoff
Updated over a week ago

The Sign In Dashboard is the section where you will find the evacuation list, reports, sign-in points, and system notification settings.

This article covers the following topics:

How to Access the Sign In Dashboard

The starting point for each topic in this article will be the Sign In Dashboard section, which you can access by clicking the Sign In Dashboard icon on the left sidebar.


The ability to generate visitor reports is vital for several reasons, including allowing organizations to monitor traffic flow and identify hotspots or areas of congestion, which can be helpful in managing queues and optimizing staffing levels. It is also crucial for compliance purposes. To get to the Reports section, access the Sign In Dashboard, and there is a list of Reports on the upper portion of the left sidebar.

  • Dashboard - A more current set of data with some filters.

  • Analytics - A historical view of data with more filters, and the ability to save filter settings for future use (Saved Reports).

  • Timesheet - requires the Timesheet module and allows viewing and export of Users' sign-ins, sign-outs, and total hours per day.

  • Deliveries and Sign-in Denied - reports are limited to deliveries and sign-ins that were denied by the system.

Location Settings

Location-specific settings include the location name, address, time zone, compliance notifications, capacity, operating hours, and auto sign-out.

System-wide notifications settings

From the Sign In Dashboard section, clicking on Notifications on the left sidebar will take you to the notification settings that have a system-wide impact.

This section allows you to turn on or off Email and SMS notifications in general and turn them on or off for all Users. There are also granular notification settings that you can enable or disable from here.

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