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Update Calendar

Make changes to your calendar and calendar settings

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over 2 weeks ago

To update a calendar's settings, you need the Manage Calendar permission.

Once you have the proper permissions, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Calendar icon on the dark sidebar

  • On the next screen, click on the 3 dots at the top right, and select Calendar settings

  • The calendar settings sidebar is where you can set/modify different calendar attributes, including the calendar name, description, rolling days/date range, default booking duration, location calendar availability, maximum concurrent bookings, whether a booking link can be generated and shared, meeting approver, and calendar color.

A) Upload calendar photo.

B) You can only select a calendar if you were on the Master Calendar before going to calendar settings, otherwise, this field will be set to the calendar you were on.

C) You can also set the available calendar days to rolling days (current day + X days set in the box; this updates daily) or a date range.

D) Bookings that overlap count towards the maximum number of concurrent bookings within a timeframe

E) You can specify multiple approvers.

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