The Calendar module is a comprehensive booking system with a user-friendly calendar interface, enabling users and visitors to conveniently book assets or rooms in one location. Additionally, you can view pre-registration events through the Master calendar (Show all).
Please check this article for a refresher on User Groups Permissions.
Can receive visitors and (Make Bookings, Manage booking, or Manage calendar) permissions are needed to pre-register visitors.
View bookings is automatically enabled on the backend if Make bookings, Manage booking, or Manage calendar is enabled.
Manage sign-in and pre-registration - needed to sign in pre-registered guests from the dashboard and the calendar screen.
Perform setup and configurations or Manage Calendar - needed to edit Booking Types
How to access the Calendars module
Log into the web dashboard
Click on the calendar icon on the dark sidebar (If you do not see the icon, you do not have the Group permissions necessary to access it)
Calendar Interface
A) Filter by location
B) Show all - Takes Users to the Master Calendar where all calendar bookings, including pre-registration events, are viewable. Users can add new calendar bookings from this screen.
C) View individual calendars. Users can add new bookings specific to the selected calendar.
D) If a calendar date is available, clicking the active date (the one with the plus icon) will allow Users to create new bookings.
E) Clicking the Today button re-centers the calendar on the current date.
The previous and back buttons < > would move the calendar to the next Day, Week, Month, or List, depending on the view selected.
Different calendar views are available: Day, Week, Month, and List. Users also have the option to hide weekends.
The + button allows Users to add a new calendar. This requires the Manage Calendar permission.
Clicking the 3 dots gives additional options, including New Booking, Calendar Settings, Booking Types, Share public booking link, and Export iCal.
Calendar Settings
The calendar settings screen is where you can set/modify different calendar attributes, including the calendar name, description, rolling days/date range, default booking duration, location calendar availability, maximum concurrent bookings, whether a booking link can be generated and shared, meeting approver, and calendar color. The Manage Calendar permission is needed to modify calendar settings.
A) Upload calendar photo.
B) You can only select a calendar if you were on the Master Calendar before going to calendar settings, otherwise, this field will be set to the calendar you were on.
C) You can set the available calendar days to rolling days (current day + X days set in the box; this updates daily) or a date range.
D) Bookings that overlap count towards the maximum number of concurrent bookings within a timeframe
E) You can specify multiple approvers.
New Booking Screen
Choosing to create a new booking, will open the new booking screen interface shown below.
A) The Booking Type selected would control the attendee fields needed (name, email, phone number, etc)
B) Specify whether the booking is recurring
C) Select a specific calendar for the booking.
* Other fields are self-explanatory
Adding New/Editing Booking Types
Booking Types control the attendee fields, i.e. name, email, phone number, etc., needed for bookings and pre-registration events.
To edit booking types for Users with the Manage Calendar permission:
On the calendar screen, click on the 3 dots at the top right
Select Booking types
Edit or delete existing booking types, or create new ones as needed
Alternatively, for Users with the Perform setup and configurations permission:
Click your profile icon at the bottom left
Click on Settings
Select Booking Types
Edit or delete existing booking types, or create new ones as needed
You can custom fields and set approvers
You can also set the quantity and price, if needed