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Invite Users

You can invite your Teamgo users to create their own account, or take ownership of an existing one.

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over a week ago

You may want certain (or all) users to login to the Teamgo web dashboard or have them simply enter themselves into the Teamgo dashboard with a new user profile or access an existing one.

You can send an invitation email that includes a secure web link and welcome message. When the user clicks the link they will be given an online form to complete and option to create a password to login.

  • The user will only be added to the locations you choose when inviting them.

  • The user will be assigned to the group you choose when inviting them.

  • You can invite one or multiple users at once

  • Invite links are expired once used and you can generate new ones

Watch how to invite users to Teamgo

Invitation Options

When inviting users you can

  • Assign them to a location(s)

  • Add them to a user group

Invite User Form

You can customise the invitation message sent to the user and include any other important information or directions required.

Sending invites to existing Users

If you need existing Users to log in to the web dashboard, you can send them an invite to create their password and customize their details. Please follow the steps below:

  • The first step is to go to the User section.

  • Select the User(s) that you want to invite.

  • Click the 'Invite' button, and hit 'Send'.

Inviting New Users

You can invite New Users by copying a generated link and sharing it with people you want to add, or you can invite them directly from the web dashboard. Inviting New Users will allow them to create a password, log in to the dashboard, and customize their details. It will also assign them to a Group of your choosing. Please follow the steps below:

  • The first step is to go to the User section.

  • Click the Invite Users button at the upper right.

  • Select a Group to assign to the New Users.

  • To share an invitation link, click the 'Generate new link' button, click the Copy button and share as you see fit.

  • If you want to send the invite using the Teamgo system, scroll down, input one email address per line in the Email addresses field, customize your Message, and click the 'Send Now' button.

For more information get in touch with your support team.

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