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Delete a User

Learn how to delete User's account from your Teamgo system

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over a week ago

You can easily delete users from your Teamgo account. This will remove their access and all data from your account and Teamgo. It will not be recoverable.

Watch how to delete a user from your account

Delete a User

To delete a User follow these steps:

  • Go to the User section.

  • Search for the User using the first few letters of their name or email address.

  • Click on the User's name.

  • Click the trash icon at the upper right, and hit the red 'Delete' button on the pop-up window to confirm.

Deleting Multiple Users

To delete multiple Users follow these steps:

  • Go to the User section.

  • Select the Users that you want to delete.

  • Click the red 'Delete' button at the top, and hit the red 'Delete' button on the pop-up window to confirm.

Deleting Users in Bulk via CSV Import

To delete Users via CSV Import:

  • Go to the User section.

  • Export your Users list into a CSV file by clicking the export icon at the upper right.

  • Modify the Status of the Users you want to delete to "Deleted."

  • Open the Import Users window by clicking the import icon at the upper right.

  • Click the 'Choose File' button, select the modified CSV file, click Open, and click Import Now.

For more information get in touch with your support team.

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